Welcome back to your weekly reading! For more insights, tune in to the Hex and the City podcast, presented by Louve, airing weekly on the podcast platform of your choice, including Apple and Spotify. You can also follow me on Instagram for more magic.
This week, our card is the Six of Wands. I love this card. This comes at perfect timing for the middle of Leo season as well. It's ruled by Jupiter in Leo, and the Jupiter energy signifies celebratory, confident recognition. This card comes in to remind us that we need to celebrate ourselves, especially after a long battle we have endured. The battle could be personal, related to family and friends, or work stress and conflict.
This week will likely offer positive news in the form of recognition or support. Career wise, this could look like amazing feedback from a project you’ve completed, or news of a raise or promotion.
In personal relationships, this recognition could come in the form of truly feeling seen and appreciated by a partner or loved one who you may have been feeling took you for granted, or who you weren’t seeing eye to eye with in certain situations.
The Six of Wands is here to empower us and give us a moment of acknowledgement, reminding us of the support we are surrounded by.
See you next week; and don’t forget to tune in to this week’s episode of Hex and the City, brought to you by Louve, available on Apple and Spotify!