Welcome back to your weekly reading! For more insights, tune in to the Hex and the City podcast, presented by Louve, airing weekly on the podcast platform of your choice, including Apple and Spotify. You can also follow me on Instagram for more magic.
Our card of the week: Two of Pentacles, but reversed. The Two of Pentacles - first of all - is ruled by Jupiter and Capricorn which really asks us to find the expansion. Jupiter is the planet of expansion through discipline and Capricorn is known for being very disciplined, very hardworking. But mind you, we have the reversal at play here.
This week might start out feeling a little bit out of balance. Perhaps we bit off more than we could chew in terms of big goals or ambitions with the New Moon in Virgo. This could come in the form of taking on too many personal or professional commitments this week. It could also point to over-investing in one area by getting serious about success with a work project. Maybe we're not sleeping enough or we're skipping meals to get things done.
The biggest lesson with Two of Pentacles reversed is being kind to ourselves and observing the overwhelm as a lesson to be kinder to the future you. Here are some good things to consider:
- If you're feeling overwhelmed, what can we reschedule or reprioritize for later in the month?
- Are you usually a "forcer" or a "procrastinator" in moments of imbalance?
Let's get into the second point a little bit further. Being a forcer or a procrastinator can change from situation to situation, but many of us find ourselves on one side of the scale. Forcers, like myself, tend to power through because they said they would, they made a commitment. And though they may win by completing the task, they often lose in terms of energy drain, physical depletion and resentment. Procrastinators are on the other end of the spectrum - they tend to find lots of reasons why now is not the time to start the thing they had previously committed to as a goal.
After you've identified which camp you find yourself in (and again, this can change from situation to situation), I like to use the Two of Pentacles as a reversal spell, meaning that you can take this as a sign to challenge yourself to do the opposite.
For example, because I'm a forcer, the kind of non-default mode for me is often positive. Moving a meeting back or rescheduling something can make me very uncomfortable but it can actually be exactly what self-care looks like at certain times, especially during times of overwhelm. For procrastinators, self-love can often look like gently hyping ourselves up to power through the thing you would usually avoid or delay either way.
It just means we have a lot coming through for us this week, which inevitably means lots of opportunities, prosperity, growth, and success. The question is, how do we best manage all of this? What is the best way to promote self-care for ourselves? Take the Two of Pentacles (reversed) as an opportunity for a kind of "opposite day" reversal spell to get through the week ahead.
See you next week, and don’t forget to tune in to this week’s episode of Hex and the City, brought to you by Louve, available on Apple and Spotify!